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Multiple access to Heads of the Organization, Compliance Officer, and the Insiders.

Head of the Organization

Complete visibility over request & reporting

Compliance Officer

Monitor defaulters, approve transactions, issue notifications, set up window closure planner, access insider details, reports and ensure compliance


Online declarations, disclose immediate relative info, automated and assisted submissions of transaction and annual disclosures

All just by simple click of a button

The law binding the Prohibition of Insider Trading in India is evolving over years. SEBI strengthening the Regulation and enhancing compliances relating to prevention of Insider Trading, the dire need to have secure and safer platform to maintain the Structured Digital Database with adequate security controls to ensure non-tampering of the database becomes the need of the hour

On premise hosting, keep track of UPSI, creation of data room, monitor trading activities till the time of public disclosure of the UPSI, monitor transactions of connected person including immediate relative having material financial relationship and structured digital database.

Highly compliant

Easy accessibility

Online repository

Risk Mitigation & Assurance for Compliance Officer

Best security controls

Comprehensive reporting system

user-friendly navigation

On premise hostingAchieve long-term aims

Web Features